Since conversion to a mechanical system looks like being a rather ambitious solution, the answer is perhaps to have far higher quality precision-machined from aluminium billet replacement parts which are in themselves re-buildable. This would allow the long term owner much greater peace of mind and also the option to buy a re-build kit to keep in stock should it ever become a problem again. All of this would also need to ideally be at a lesser cost than the current offerings from Delphi or LUK. Of course, having a flexible, braided metal hose connector might also be a bonus for the fitting of these too....this will also be part of the package.
The Tazu part is an improvement but appears to be 'handed' for left-hand drive vehicles* and consequently poses a few fitting difficulties currently. It is also only half the answer in any case.
We think we may have the answer to watch this space!

*See below...this issue appears to have been resolved.