75 & ZT Enthusiasts FAQ - You will see this version if you are not logged on. For the full FAQ, please log on first
If you are reading this, then you have clicked on the FAQ link whilst not logged in. If you are a member and know your username and password, please use the Login button on the top menu. If you are not registered to the 75 & ZT Enthusiasts, please use the Register button.
If you are struggling to access the site, then please read the following:-
If you have already registered, and know your username and the email address associated with your account, please click here to follow prompts to obtain a new password by email
If you have already registered, know your username but are unsure of the email address currently associated with your account you'll need to contact an Administrator. Please use the Contact an Administrator link at the foot of this page
If you have already registered, but are unsure of the username associated with your account, you will need to contact an Administrator in order to proceed. Again, please use the Contact an Administrator link
The email address associated with your account will generally be the one you signed up with. This will only alter if you physically change it yourself in your profile, so if you have not done this, it will still be the original one.
Your original password will be the same as the email address you signed up with. We always recommend you change this as soon as you login for the first time, so this should now have altered
Please remember that if you have already signed up, then your account will exist and an Administrator can help you to access it. Please do not resubmit a registration
We look forward to seeing you on the forums soon!