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T4 in NW London?

This is a free T4 Operator / owner finding service offered to all owners of 75 / ZT cars.
The map has been set up by Phil-T4 to help owners and he has given us permission to make it available to all.

T4 in NW London?

Post Number:#1  Post by nickpitt_2000 » April 3rd, 2014, 10:33

Hi I have a lovely V6 ZT-T with a very active engine fault light. Sometimes it's on, sometimes it isn't. I have yet to find a local garage who I really trust so am looking for someone to have a look and let me know if I need to sort something. I suspect VIS motors and inlet plastics may be involved but would love to have a bit more information before I start spending a lot of money.
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T4 in NW London?

Post Number:#2  Post by Phil-T4 » April 3rd, 2014, 12:04

Neither of the 2 items you mentioned would bring the fault light on, your problem will be emissions related, e.g. faulty O2 sensor, misfire.
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