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Remote diagnostics via internet

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Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#1  Post by KDA4G » December 30th, 2013, 10:08

It looks like some of the details of this project are now becoming public on other forums.

As one of the key participants in the development work that has taken place, I would like to see it more widely used, but only in a sensible way.

If any of the T4 owners or operators on this forum would like to express an interest in the project, or let me know of any concerns they may have about it, would they please PM me directly - on this forum only - within the next two weeks.

Thanks, everyone.
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Re: Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#2  Post by Zeb » December 31st, 2013, 12:45

As we have said before. We think this is a great leap forward that could potentially make it much easier to keep cars on the road in areas without the back up of a T4 + operator in the vicinity (or even country!). Well done to all involved.
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Re: Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#3  Post by Woolleysox » December 31st, 2013, 3:21

I have to agree well done sounds good :steer: :gary:
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Re: Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#4  Post by Scoubix » December 31st, 2013, 9:02

And what exactly would this "remote diagnostics" be? A hardware device that we connect to the socket on our cars, that is connected to the Internet and incorporates T4 software to allow remote access to diagnostics and feature activation?
Or do I get it all wrong...?
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Re: Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#5  Post by Zeb » December 31st, 2013, 9:05

T4 software would be this end as I understand it. Although some software would be used to link the devices and maintain communication betwixt operator and owner. But yes, remote access for diagnostics and feature activation is a good way of summing it up maybe. Obviously Derek can give you a far better insight than myself however! :-)
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Re: Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#6  Post by KDA4G » December 31st, 2013, 10:56

As above, if you are interested in this project, please send me a PM, on this forum only - thanks.
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Re: Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#7  Post by James.uk » January 1st, 2014, 5:52

I congratulate Ed (Rover54) and his anonymous helper, dunno why he wont stand up and take the credit though?? ???

Anyway, well done to all involved and I hope you manage to make T4 help available to anyone anywhere when they need it....

Oh and a happy new year to you all... :fingers:
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Re: Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#8  Post by Roger1 » January 15th, 2014, 2:47

So this feature could be utilised world wide then?
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Re: Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#9  Post by KDA4G » January 15th, 2014, 10:34

Hi Roger, you have a PM...
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Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#10  Post by Lord Hybrid » January 28th, 2014, 10:36

Sounds very high tech and a great resource. :)
Cars can be a pain in the backside, The hybrid has had quite a few jobs done I can say it was money well spent.
Am I going to give up when ever a problem occurs the answer

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Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#11  Post by DaveyC » January 29th, 2014, 9:42

This sounds like a fantastic project and as said, great for keeping our cars on the road and also a bonus for members and T4 operators having to travel, saving time fuel wear & tear, etc.

Not sure how I can contribute but would love to be a guinea pig, if you are interested. :-)
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Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#12  Post by FredL » February 11th, 2014, 11:48

This project would be of very great benifit to all of us.
Whilst I can read fault codes and delete using my Laptop, it would be wonderful to have full access to the ECUs
Having just purchased another MGZT in Typhoon I am having to carry out a number of the usual repairs
ie replace broken front spring, water pump leaking, cam belts due etc.etc
The speedo display has the usual lines and will need replacing, a definate for T4 I believe.
Willing to be the Cheshire Experiment.

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Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#13  Post by KDA4G » February 11th, 2014, 11:59

Fred, you have a PM.
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Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#14  Post by DaveyC » February 12th, 2014, 9:08

How's this project going? I am watching with great interest :-)
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Remote diagnostics via internet

Post Number:#15  Post by KDA4G » February 23rd, 2014, 10:35

First of all, many thanks to the various people who have got in touch with offers of help and support, including a few cautionary warnings based on their own practical experience.

There has not been much progress lately. This is just down to the practical arrangements of bringing together the T4, the test car, and all the kit, at an outdoors venue - that means waiting until the rain stops.

We had a go with a diesel recently, and unfortunately didn't have much luck. It turns out that this was due to operator error. Hopefully once the weather picks up, we'll be able to have another go at it.

Meanwhile, Phil-T4 has been doing some excellent work on other options...
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