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Early report from Brno International Rover meet.

Early report from Brno International Rover meet.

Post Number:#1  Post by Bernard » May 26th, 2017, 9:32

This event is being held by the RoverClub Cz group and, as the title suggests, is taking place in Brno located in the south of the Czech Republic.
We have just completed our first day of the events organised by the club with arrivals and registration taking place during yesterday (Thursday) evening. A good mix of Rover MG vehicles are here, from a 1937 Rover including various P5, P6 and Mini to the modern era 75, Zeds and my 260, about 50 in all from around Europe.
If you are interested to see a list, try this link. http://meeting2017.roverclub.cz/en/regi ... rticipants

We started the day with what they have called an orientation stage, cars setting off at one minute intervals on a fixed route, looking out for various photo matches. As a solo participant I found this impossible having to concentrate on the road rather than instructions. I was not alone in this. However we all ended up eventually in a brewery car park.

17 car park1.jpg

It doesn't take much working out what our first visit would be.

The brewery was interesting because its history can be traced back to 1298. Samples were tasted in moderation as the Czech driving laws are somewhat draconian but we each were given a large gift box of beers to take away!

After lunch at the brewery we drove in close organised convoy to the nearby Lysice castle. When I say organised, I mean marshals stopping traffic at critical road junctions to let us all out. Great experience.

Lysice Castle interior is very much like other Czech castles but has some interesting artifacts such as some early guns made by a former resident who went on to found the famous gun factory in Brno, that of Bren gun fame.

17 guns.jpg

The castle formed a splendid backdrop for photographs. There was also a Concours event, My car was out of this due to suffering heavy rain yesterday and all the Albanian and Romanians are in the UK washing cars, not here. I did consider some rapid detailer but the car was really too dirty, but that's another story.

17 castle1.jpg
17 oldies.jpg

Another full day tomorrow!
-and more photos.
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Early report from Brno International Rover meet.

Post Number:#2  Post by Zeb » May 27th, 2017, 9:06

We are most jealous Bernard! Looks like it is going well over there! Enjoy!
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Early report from Brno International Rover meet.

Post Number:#3  Post by AnderN » May 29th, 2017, 2:26

Thanks for sharing your experience here, Bernard :-) I'm glad you liked it. I will send out some "after action report" to all participants, but in the meantime -- here are a few pictures taken by our meeting photographer: https://pokornym3.wixsite.com/rover2017
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