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Subframe bushes

Info on all the projects 75 & ZT Enthusiasts are currently involved with...

Subframe bushes

Post Number:#1  Post by brianw119 » November 2nd, 2016, 11:10

Hello Chaps,

Where can I purchase the 4 bushes for the MG ZT front subframe?
I read that the aluminium type is the one needed for the ZT.
Posts: 200
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Joined: Jun 19, 2015
Location: Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire
Region: Suffolk and Cambridgeshire
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Subframe bushes

Post Number:#2  Post by brianw119 » November 2nd, 2016, 11:13

Rimmerbros are out. I looked on DMGRS and they have one listed, but it doesn't differentiate between the ZT or 75. It list the item as being for both types of cars.
Posts: 200
Member No: 1106
Joined: Jun 19, 2015
Location: Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire
Region: Suffolk and Cambridgeshire
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