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France, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Germany

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France, Portugal, Sweden, Norway, Germany

Post Number:#1  Post by Zeb » March 4th, 2014, 12:56

This forum can be seen and posted upon by non-members from abroad seeking help or information. A variety of languages are spoken by members so feel free to post in your own language.

Ce forum est accessible aux membres et non-membres à la recherche d'aide ou d'informations. Nos membres parlent plusieurs langues, n'hésitez donc pas à utiliser votre langue maternelle.

Este fórum está aberto a membros e não membros de outros países, que venham à procura de ajuda ou informações. Uma grande variedade de línguas é falada pelos membros, por isso, sinta-se à vontade para perguntar e publicar na sua língua materna.

Forum that tha can see ere, can be post'de'din by t'non-members (tight bleeders) from Yorkshire and t'other places that dunt speak rate, if tha needs help or t'information, gerrit used! A looard of languages are spock'n by t'members so knock the sen art n feel free t'post in't tha ooern language.

Detta forum är tillgängligt för icke medlemmar som behöver information eller råd. Då det redan finns medlemmar som behärskar olika språk kan du skriva på ditt eget modersmål.
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Location: Edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds
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